ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Alleviating global hunger and the role of world food programme: Towards a just world with zero hunger Subrat Kumar Ratha and Deeksha Bordoloi Pages: 283-288 | 1047 Views 240 Downloads Subject: Politics and International Studies | Country: India | Politics and International Studies | India |
2 | Correlates’ of different types of factors and credit card usage of employees: Empirical evidence from Colombo District, Sri Lanka DPS De Zoysa and RMKGU Rathnayaka Pages: 289-293 | 722 Views 247 Downloads Subject: Social Statistics | Country: Sri Lanka | Social Statistics | Sri Lanka |
3 | Relations between production team satisfaction and team characteristics in the manufacturing organization in Sri Lanka Dr. Manjula Wanninayaka Pages: 294-304 | 809 Views 169 Downloads Subject: Sociology | Country: Japan | Sociology | Japan |
4 | Synthèse bibliographique sur les serpents et les plantes médicinales utilisées en médecine traditionnelle contre les envenimations ophidiennes Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua, Jonas Mbongu Sodi Nagahuedi, Colette Masengo Ashande, Ruphin Djolu Djoza, Pius T Mpiana and Mudogo Virima Pages: 305-314 | 1214 Views 317 Downloads Subject: English | Country: Congo | English | Congo |
5 | दक्षिण गुजरात के आदिवासियों की सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक परम्परा Dr. Manishkumar Hasmukhbhai Patel Pages: 315-318 | 234 Views 113 Downloads Subject: Language Literature | Country: India | Language Literature | India |
6 | Comparison between effects of yoga postures and foam rolling exercises for improving hamstring flexibility among young population Nikita Bhaskar Thool and Dr. Pallavi Chicholikar Pages: 319-325 | 650 Views 119 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
7 | Character education management at lokon santo Nikolaus junior high school, tomohon city north Sulawesi, Indonesia Videllia Engelien Pontoh, Henny N Tambingon and Shelty Sumual Pages: 326-332 | 638 Views 129 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Indonesia | Education | Indonesia |
8 | The effect of emotional intelligence and work motivation on performance high School Teachers Airmadidi District, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Santi Megi Sumual, Henny N Tambingon and Shelty Sumual Pages: 333-338 | 671 Views 126 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Indonesia | Education | Indonesia |
9 | Towards sustainable building-green building design and integration in the built Environment Danish Ghani and Zeeshan Khan Pages: 339-341 | 733 Views 172 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
10 | Application of MI theory to a law classroom Shyamal Acharya Pages: 342-344 | 886 Views 213 Downloads Subject: Law | Country: India | Law | India |
11 | Evaluating the life and teachings of baba Nassib-Ud-Din ghazi Sumaira Jan Pages: 345-347 | 646 Views 247 Downloads Subject: Language | Country: India | Language | India |
12 | Rural health infrastructure: A study with reference to India Geetha JR Pages: 348-353 | 537 Views 208 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |