ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Optimization of machining parameters on AL 6061 alloy using response surface methodology V. Devkumar, E. Sreedhar, M. P. Prabakaran Pages: 01-04 | 1639 Views 197 Downloads Subject: Engineering | Country: India | Engineering | India |
2 | A clinical study of PECA a novel surgical procedure Vuyyuru Raja Sekhar, AV Pitchi Reddy, Y Srinivas Pages: 05-06 | 1450 Views 151 Downloads Subject: Ophthalmology | Country: India | Ophthalmology | India |
3 | Preparation and study of polyethylene oxide and its derivative thin films A Philomin Freeda, S Rajivgandhi, A Dinesh Kumar Pages: 07-20 | 1493 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Physics | Country: India | Physics | India |
4 | A Study of Struggle for Love against Racism in James Baldwin’s If Beale Street could talk Bharati Sachin Deshmukh Pages: 21-23 | 1469 Views 126 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
5 | e/qlwnu ljLorh dh –f"V esa fpÙkæqfr ds dkj.k MkW- VsdpUn eh.kk Pages: 24-25 | 303 Views 140 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
6 | foosdkuanpfjra egkdkO; esa Nan:ç;ksx M‚- fxjh'k pUæ iUr Pages: 26-28 | 430 Views 266 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
7 | Jhen~Hkxonxhrk esa iqutZUe dh vo/kkj.kk jkds"k jatu, dey fd"kksj Pages: 29-31 | 1271 Views 1086 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
8 | A Novel Fingerprint ImagernCompression Technique Using Run-Length and Entropy Coding Gowtham M, Arulkarthick V J, Gokilavani Chinnasamy Pages: 32-38 | 1686 Views 151 Downloads Subject: Technology | Country: India | Technology | India |
9 | A study of green advertising and its impact on consumer purchase intention Komal Ahuja Pages: 39-43 | 1699 Views 214 Downloads Subject: Marketing | Country: India | Marketing | India |
10 | Role of Social Maturity in Academic Achievement of High School Students Dr. Sujit Bordhan Pages: 44-46 | 1978 Views 205 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
11 | fgaUnh dkO; esa jk"Vªh;rk dh Hkkouk f'konÙk 'kekZ Pages: 47-48 | 2067 Views 1930 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |