ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | A critical analysis of the contemporary status of English language teaching in India Dr. Vitthal V Parab Pages: 01-03 | 1606 Views 229 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
2 | On Nano Generalized Star Closed Sets in Nano Topological Spaces V Rajendran, P Sathishmohan, K Indirani Pages: 04-07 | 1604 Views 300 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
3 | Teacher Effectiveness and its Measurement Pardeep Singh Dehal Pages: 08-09 | 916 Views 135 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
4 | lekosf'kr f'k{kk ds izfr egkfo|ky;h fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh vfHko`fRr dk muds tukaddh; o 'kSf{kd pjksa ds lEcU/k esa ,d v/;;u Pardeep Singh Dehal Pages: 10-15 | 361 Views 195 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
5 | Role of English Skills in Futuristic Trends in Physical Education and for Sporting Fraternity Anita Pages: 16-18 | 1389 Views 117 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
6 | Gandhi’s Vision for Indian Society Mamta Rani Pages: 19-22 | 1390 Views 184 Downloads Subject: Political Science | Country: India | Political Science | India |
7 | Knowledge, attitude and practice of voluntary blood donation among undergraduate M.B.B.S students of B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad Dr. Parimal Patel, Dr. Nilesh Patel, Dr. Khushbu Makadia, Dr. Geeta Kedia Pages: 23-25 | 1478 Views 144 Downloads Subject: Medical Science | Country: India | Medical Science | India |
8 | Educational concept of Swami Abhedananda- vistas of a New Horizon Aniruddha Saha Pages: 26-29 | 1406 Views 203 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
9 | Disappearing Material Culture of Tribals in India: The Case of a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group of Southern Odisha Anil Ota Pages: 30-36 | 1827 Views 523 Downloads Subject: Tribal Development and Culture | Country: India | Tribal Development and Culture | India |
10 | cgqizfrHkk ds Lokeh&dfooj fcgkjhyky fâ€konRr “kekZ Pages: 37-39 | 2655 Views 2494 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
11 | Effect of Bhastrika pranayama on selected physiological variable of degree college boys Dr. Sunil Dhiman Pages: 40-42 | 1308 Views 122 Downloads Subject: Physiological | Country: India | Physiological | India |