ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | The Right to Food as the Human Right: Evolution and Significance Devarati Roy Chowdhury Pages: 327-329 | 1336 Views 108 Downloads Subject: Law | Country: India | Law | India |
2 | Child Abuse in India A Muthu Meena Losini Pages: 330-332 | 1466 Views 118 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
3 | Adenomatous Polyposis Coli with Adenocarcinoma - A Case Report Sujata S Giriyan, Ganesh B D Pages: 333-334 | 1351 Views 102 Downloads Subject: Medical Science | Country: India | Medical Science | India |
4 | Study on cibarial armature and sense organs of Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett) with scanning electron microscope (Diptera: Culicidae) Jagbir Singh Kirti, Navneet Kaur, Simarjit Kaur Pages: 335-337 | 1468 Views 136 Downloads Subject: Zoology | Country: India | Zoology | India |
5 | Determinants of interest rate spread in banking industry Arezoo Ghasemi, Malihe Rostami Pages: 338-346 | 1379 Views 182 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: Iran | Economics | Iran |
6 | Biochemical Alterations In Common Carp, Cyprinus Carpio (L) Exposed to Organ phosphorus Insecticide, Malathion Christo Queensly C, Venkadesh B, Kumaran T Pages: 347-351 | 1389 Views 137 Downloads Subject: zoology | Country: India | zoology | India |
7 | Composites: Classification and its manufacturing process Priyanka Kesarwani, Shahnaz Jahan, Kirti Kesarwani Pages: 352-358 | 1854 Views 428 Downloads Subject: Home Science | Country: India | Home Science | India |
8 | Status of Rice production in Jammu and Kashmir: An Economic Analysis Mysir Jeelani Kaloo, Tapan Choure Pages: 359-363 | 1785 Views 372 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
9 | Women health security through ICDS in rural Punjab Sarbjit Singh Kular Pages: 364-368 | 1451 Views 120 Downloads Subject: Public Administration | Country: India | Public Administration | India |
10 | Prevalence of hepatitis a virus (HAV) and hepatitis e virus (HEV) in the patients presenting with acute viral hepatitis Nirav Pandya, Anil Chaudhary Pages: 369-371 | 1416 Views 122 Downloads Subject: Medical Science | Country: India | Medical Science | India |
11 | Disposal of Thermal Power Plant’s Waste: Management of Fly ash Neeraj Godara Pages: 372-374 | 1154 Views 100 Downloads Subject: Chemistry | Country: India | Chemistry | India |