ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Comparison of Ripasa and Alvarado scoring systems in diagnosis of acute appendicitis Dr. Gopal S, Dr. Tejas AP and Dr. Rohit K Pages: 767-769 | 1504 Views 157 Downloads Subject: Surgery | Country: India | Surgery | India |
2 | Land information system in a sample ward of Kumbakonam town using GIS for decision making P Thirumalai, P Priya, J Senthil and PH Anand Pages: 770-774 | 1855 Views 714 Downloads Subject: Geography | Country: India | Geography | India |
3 | Reproductive health and life skills needs of adolescent girls in twin cities Theresa NL and Sarada D Pages: 775-778 | 1291 Views 103 Downloads Subject: Home Science | Country: India | Home Science | India |
4 | Financial statement effect of adopting IFRS: A study on glenmark pharmaceuticals Ltd M Susruth Pages: 779-783 | 1291 Views 150 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
5 | An uninvited guest in the landzert’s mansion Geeta Avadhani K and Arun Kumar Shirshetty Pages: 784-786 | 1204 Views 119 Downloads Subject: Medical Science | Country: India | Medical Science | India |
6 | Impact of domestic violence on mental health of married women S Nidharshana and Dr. K Kavitha Maheswari Pages: 787-790 | 1290 Views 221 Downloads Subject: Social | Country: India | Social | India |
7 | Assess the parental stress level and identify the factors precipitating stress in parents of neonates Kiran Kour and Akoijam Sangita Devi Pages: 791-794 | 1298 Views 128 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
8 | A study to assess the Safety practices of mothers for prevention of unintentional injuries among children Dr. Garima Babel and Preeti Verma Pages: 795-801 | 1302 Views 140 Downloads Subject: Home Science | Country: India | Home Science | India |
9 | Displacement and rehabilitation due to natural calamities: A historical study on socio-economic condition of rehabilitated villages in Tinsukia district, Assam Subash Kr. Verma Pages: 802-806 | 1313 Views 152 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |
10 | Feeding practices of goat rearers across flock size in North West Semi-Arid region of Rajasthan V Kumar, RK Berwal and ML Choudhary Pages: 807-810 | 1327 Views 145 Downloads Subject: Veterinary | Country: India | Veterinary | India |
11 | A selection rule for parameter reduction using fuzzy membership roster method Sreyasi Ghosh, Sarbari Ghosh and Pradip KR Sen Pages: 811-817 | 1217 Views 110 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
12 | Prevalence of colistin resistance in isolated Acinetobacter baumannii at a Neuro-ICU setup in a tertiary care hospital in Odisha Soumyadarshan Nayak and Saumya Nanda Pages: 818-821 | 744 Views 112 Downloads Subject: Gynaecology | Country: India | Gynaecology | India |
13 | Diversity of aquatic insect fauna in Baghel Taal, a wetland of Bahraich district, U.P. Sadguru Prakash and Dilip Kumar Yadav Pages: 822-824 | 762 Views 177 Downloads Subject: Zoology | Country: India | Zoology | India |
14 | हिन्दी साहित्य पर बौद्ध-धर्म-दर्शन का प्रभाव डाॅ॰ राम बालक राय Pages: 825-827 | 1349 Views 692 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
15 | निर्योग्यता का बच्चों के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर प्रभाव गायत्री कुमारी Pages: 828-830 | 1022 Views 479 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
16 | Effect of Sudarshan Kriya yoga on prehypertension and stage 1 hypertension Dr. Chandrakanta Mishra, Dr. Archana Mishra and Eshaan Mishra Pages: 831-833 | 1391 Views 158 Downloads Subject: Medical | Country: India | Medical | India |
17 | Prevalence of prehypertension and hypertension in MBBS students Dr. Chandrakanta Mishra, Dr. Archana Mishra and Eshaan Mishra Pages: 834-836 | 1023 Views 128 Downloads Subject: Medical | Country: India | Medical | India |
18 | Prospective study of spectrum of adverse effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy among HIV infected individuals Dr. P Tabitha RJ Chandrika and Dr. T Sarala Devi Pages: 837-844 | 561 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Medicine | Country: India | Medicine | India |
19 | Effect of chemicals through foliar spray on flowering and Fruiting in Litchi Amit Kumar, Dr. Alok Kumar Gupta and Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Yadav Pages: 845-848 | 484 Views 113 Downloads Subject: Biochemistry | Country: India | Biochemistry | India |
20 | Vermicompost, a management of biosolid wastes: A review Sadguru Prakash Pages: 849-851 | 634 Views 247 Downloads Subject: Zoology | Country: India | Zoology | India |
21 | A study of serum uric acid levels in metabolic syndrome Dr. Akash Choudary and Dr. Mohd Ashraf Ul Abeddin Pages: 852-857 | 362 Views 81 Downloads Subject: General Medicine | Country: India | General Medicine | India |
22 | Total serum creatine phosphokinase in assessing severity of OP compound poison Dr. Sripada Venkata Subhramanyam Pages: 858-862 | 440 Views 112 Downloads Subject: General Medicine | Country: India | General Medicine | India |
23 | Assessing spatial pattern and trend of rural-urban disparity in sex ratio in west Bengal, India using IRUD method: From post-independence onward analysis Mamon Chowdhury Pages: 863-872 | 1243 Views 202 Downloads Subject: Social Science | Country: India | Social Science | India |
24 | Inequalities of provision of basic amenities and services in urban areas in West Bengal, 2011: A district level analysis Mamon Chowdhury Pages: 873-886 | 1251 Views 194 Downloads Subject: Urban Centres | Country: India | Urban Centres | India |
25 | Effect on one month yoga training on BMI and flexibility of college girls Dr. Sunil Dabas Pages: 887-890 | 385 Views 116 Downloads Subject: Sports | Country: India | Sports | India |
26 | Rural Agenda: Reflections in Budget 2016-17 Dr. Abhijit Sarkar Pages: 891-893 | 398 Views 127 Downloads Subject: Finance | Country: India | Finance | India |