ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Climatic variation of antioxidative properties, phenolic and mineralnutraceuticals in tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) grown in North Bengal, district Darjeeling Tarun Kumar Misra, Ashis Kumar Nanda, Palash Mandal, Anirudha Saha Pages: 601-605 | 1359 Views 119 Downloads Subject: Botany | Country: India | Botany | India |
2 | Applications of numerical analysis in computational science Dr. Premila Kollur Pages: 606-607 | 2205 Views 1114 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
3 | Study of fertility in the varietal populations of Eruca sativa L. and their hybrids Sujata Sinha, Mina Shrivastava Pages: 608-609 | 1225 Views 102 Downloads Subject: Botany | Country: India | Botany | India |
4 | Biodiversity conservation in Himalayan region Dr. Monika Sood, Sakshi Chuahan Pages: 610-615 | 1491 Views 246 Downloads Subject: Agriculture | Country: India | Agriculture | India |
5 | Depiction of Yaksha and Yakshi’s in Jainism Dr. Venkatesha TS Pages: 616-618 | 1004 Views 829 Downloads Subject: Archaeology | Country: India | Archaeology | India |
6 | Corporate governance in banking sector: A fine- tuning performance Jayashree R Kotnal Pages: 619-624 | 1389 Views 150 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
7 | Callogenic response of various parts of Momordica tuberosa (Cogn) Roxb Dr. R Shanmugapriya, Dr. S Poornima Pages: 625-627 | 1307 Views 129 Downloads Subject: Botany | Country: India | Botany | India |
8 | Human rights in India: A post-facto assessment of post independent Era Dr. Bina Rai Pages: 628-633 | 1435 Views 279 Downloads Subject: Political Science | Country: India | Political Science | India |
9 | Competences in the cluster and beyond: A study of the Mauritian industry Dr. Nirmal Kumar Betchoo Pages: 634-637 | 1311 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: Mauritius | Management | Mauritius |
10 | Water quality index assessment of Sarfa Dam, Shahdol district (M.P.) India Roopshah Prajapati Pages: 638-642 | 1881 Views 446 Downloads Subject: Zoology | Country: India | Zoology | India |
11 | Effect of yogic practices on physiological variables of college students Kuldip and Sunil Kumar Pages: 643-644 | 1282 Views 111 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
12 | Assessment of knowledge and practices of mothers towards the most prevelant unintentional injuries among children of 4-6 years of age in Udaipur city, Rajasthan Preeti Verma Pages: 645-652 | 1112 Views 141 Downloads Subject: | Country: India | India | |
13 | t;'kadj izlkn ds ukVd */kzqoLokfeuh* esa ;qxhu leL;k,¡,oa ;qx psruk Mk0 fuf/k 'kekZ Pages: 653-656 | 472 Views 340 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |