ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | iz/kkuea=h tu&/ku ;kstuk dk lekt ds xjhc oxksZa ¼rcdksa½ ds vkfFkZd mRFkku esa ;ksxnku ¼bUnkSj ’kgj ds lanHkZ esa½ MkW- Hkkuqizrki flag] fodkl lsysdj Pages: 449-454 | 1417 Views 165 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
2 | Inclusion of Yuan in the SDR basket Lakshit Gupta Pages: 455-456 | 1343 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
3 | People’s perceptions on the functioning of environmental enforcement machinery in Andhra Pradesh Dr. C Ramagovindaiah Pages: 457-461 | 1278 Views 132 Downloads Subject: Rural Development | Country: India | Rural Development | India |
4 | Widow with sons: Ideal and real lives of women in the works of Premchand Srashti Srivastava Pages: 462-463 | 1662 Views 392 Downloads Subject: Literature | Country: India | Literature | India |
5 | Sustainable development through environmental ethics S Rajalakshmi Pages: 464-467 | 2791 Views 1527 Downloads Subject: Sociology | Country: India | Sociology | India |
6 | “Solid as Solvent”- Novel spectrophotometric analysis of metronidazole tablets using solids (Eutectic Liquid of Phenol and Metformin Hydrochloride) As Solubilizing Agents (Mixed Solvency Concept) RK Maheshwari, Priyanka Vaswani, Rohit Adhav, Toshika Jain Pages: 468-469 | 1371 Views 136 Downloads Subject: Pharmacy | Country: India | Pharmacy | India |
7 | Improvised explosive devices (IED) blast injuries in Maiduguri north eastern Nigeria Ibrahim AG, Suleiman A, Tahir MB Pages: 470-472 | 1385 Views 140 Downloads Subject: Surgery | Country: Nigeria | Surgery | Nigeria |
8 | Managing employees work related stress through employee empowerment Dr. M Dhanabhakyam, Ravi Shetty Pages: 473-477 | 1398 Views 173 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
9 | Importance of English communication skills Shaik Riyaz Ahmad Pages: 478-480 | 12530 Views 7568 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
10 | Integration and regulation of fuel metabolism in maintaining homeostasis in human body Dr. Partha Majumder, Dr. Anjana Mazumdar, Dr. Amitabha Kar, Dr. Sufal Halder, Priyanka Choudhury Pages: 481-487 | 1495 Views 155 Downloads Subject: Biotechnology | Country: India | Biotechnology | India |
11 | मध्ययुगीन राजस्थान में सामन्ती व्यवस्था डाॅ0 आभा त्यागी Pages: 488-489 | 1243 Views 1090 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
12 | कला समीक्षा का बदलता स्वरूप डाॅ. दीपक भारद्वाज Pages: 490-492 | 2015 Views 456 Downloads Subject: हिन्दी | Country: India | हिन्दी | India |