ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | A comparative study on Prevalence of Teacher Empowerment between Government and Private Schools in New Delhi Chetna Arora Pages: 470-475 | 1476 Views 180 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
2 | The role of management in corporate social responsibility Y Satguru Roshan, Devanshi Dixit, Krati Agarwal and Dr. Suneshwer Prasad Pages: 476-477 | 1414 Views 139 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
3 | भारत में बेरोजगारों की व्यथा आशा रानी Pages: 483-484 | 262 Views 121 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
4 | Characterization of BF leaf powder by X-Ray diffraction Dr. Sushil Phadke and Ku Surbhi Ujjainkar Pages: 485-489 | 1466 Views 135 Downloads Subject: Physical | Country: India | Physical | India |
5 | A study on consumer preference towards selected luxury products with special reference to Coimbatore City T Narmadha Pages: 490-493 | 1465 Views 190 Downloads Subject: Human Resource | Country: India | Human Resource | India |
6 | Comparison of compliance strategies to control PIH among pregnant women with pregnancy induced hypertension in selected hospitals, Bangalore Dr. Prathima Prakasam and Dr. S Anuchithra Radhakrishnan Pages: 494-497 | 1539 Views 163 Downloads Subject: Medical | Country: India | Medical | India |
7 | Contemporary issues and upcoming challenges in physical education and sports technology in South India J Gerard Arockiaraj Pages: 498-500 | 1630 Views 392 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
8 | A study on shareholders’ wealth maximization of muthoot finance limited L Prrabha, Jayapriya R and Joslin Monica LA Pages: 501-503 | 2093 Views 553 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
9 | A comparative study on the CDS sensitized and dye-sensitized ZnO photoelectrodes based on solar cell performance JK Dongre Pages: 504-507 | 897 Views 172 Downloads Subject: Physical | Country: India | Physical | India |
10 | राम नरेष त्रिपाठी के काव्य में जन-जागृति की अभिव्यक्ति सुनीता देवी Pages: 508-510 | 282 Views 135 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
11 | South Asia: Role, status and challenges woman in business leadership Sweety Garg Pages: 511-513 | 888 Views 86 Downloads Subject: Business | Country: India | Business | India |