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International Journal of Applied Research
  • Multidisciplinary Journal
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  • Peer Reviewed Journal

ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part A (2017)

S. No. Title and Authors Name Subject Country
Kashmir pashmina - A journey of standardization through geographical indication
Yaseer Ahmad Mir and Mushtaq Ahmad Darzi
Pages: 01-04  |  2147 Views  775 Downloads
Subject: Arts & Crafts  |  Country: India
Arts & CraftsIndia
Heavy metal pollution and health hazards around singrauli region India
Dr. Sudhir Yadav, Sushma Upadhyay, Dr. SK Tripathi and Dr. Rajiv Prakash
Pages: 05-08  |  1508 Views  234 Downloads
Subject: Forensic Science  |  Country: India
Forensic ScienceIndia
Impact of US election results on Indian stock market: An event study approach
Madhu Iyengar, Nirmal Iyengar and Harmish Sampat
Pages: 09-13  |  1815 Views  430 Downloads
Subject: Finance  |  Country: India
Employee competency in the knowledge based economy as a tool to enhance performance
Mangala A and Dr. K Ramachandra
Pages: 14-18  |  1353 Views  191 Downloads
Subject: Commerce and Management  |  Country: India
Commerce and ManagementIndia
A study on the fish diversity of Dhir Beel of Dhubri District of Assam, India
Rajesh Nag, Nizara Singha and Parag Deka
Pages: 19-26  |  2764 Views  835 Downloads
Subject: Zoology  |  Country: India
Reproductive health issues among married Adolescent girls
Dr. B Sajitha
Pages: 27-30  |  811 Views  140 Downloads
Subject: Health Sciences  |  Country: India
Health SciencesIndia
Language press and women empowerment: An analysis with special reference to Odia news papers
Dr. Govinda Chandra Penthoi and Kabita Kumari Pradhan
Pages: 31-34  |  1465 Views  193 Downloads
Subject: Linguistics  |  Country: India
Solid waste management: A review
Aditya Sharma, Dr. Alka Srivastva, Dr. Parag Dalal, Dr. JK Srivastva
Pages: 35-39  |  1536 Views  257 Downloads
Subject: Chemical Engineering  |  Country: India
Chemical EngineeringIndia
Opinion study on demonetization among petti shop holders at Chatram bus stand, Tiruchirappalli
K Shenbaham and M Sivaranjani
Pages: 40-44  |  1739 Views  129 Downloads
Subject: Social Work  |  Country: India
Social WorkIndia
A joyful and wholesome program of community interaction by youth
Archana Vadeyar and Dr. Smita Phatak
Pages: 45-56  |  1430 Views  162 Downloads
Subject: Education  |  Country: India
A social study of family differences in maternal time with children
Dr. Ram Naresh Yadav
Pages: 57-60  |  1149 Views  124 Downloads
Subject: Sociology   |  Country: India
Sociology India
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