ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Development of non-standard thinking in psycholinguistics: Creative thinking and creativity Suyunova Nasiba Pages: 39-44 | 1012 Views 139 Downloads Subject: Language | Country: Uzbekistan | Language | Uzbekistan |
2 | Stimulative increase of fertility in Uzbekistan in accordance with the world experiences Xudjageldiyev Chorshanbi Pardayevich Pages: 45-47 | 868 Views 115 Downloads Subject: Agriculture | Country: Uzbekistan | Agriculture | Uzbekistan |
3 | Indicators of gross domestic product in Uzbekistan Sarvinoz Adashalieva Pages: 48-50 | 891 Views 122 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: Uzbekistan | Economics | Uzbekistan |
4 | How did “Thou” disappear in english? Krechetova Axinya Alexandrovna Pages: 51-53 | 1141 Views 370 Downloads Subject: Language | Country: Russia | Language | Russia |
5 | Lexical-Symbolic characteristics of efemisms against female sex in the Uzbek Language Bakhtiyor Mengliyev and Gulyamova Shakhnoza Kakhramonovna Pages: 54-57 | 944 Views 185 Downloads Subject: Language | Country: Uzbekistan | Language | Uzbekistan |
6 | The first specificity of the psychological development of children Juraeva Dilafruz Jamurodovna Pages: 58-60 | 851 Views 115 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
7 | Smart farming through IOT Shubham Kumar and Utkarsh Pundir Pages: 61-64 | 877 Views 137 Downloads Subject: Computer Science | Country: India | Computer Science | India |
8 | Assessment of the efficiency of gas and dust cleaning systems in asphalt-concrete plants Boboev Sobirjon Muradullaevich, Keldiyarova Gulmira Farkhadovna, and Burkhanov Khurshid Rashidovich Pages: 65-67 | 949 Views 147 Downloads Subject: Agricultural | Country: Uzbekistan | Agricultural | Uzbekistan |