ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Formation of personal ethnic culture and aesthetic views of central asian philosophers Tagaev Ganisher Khasanovich Pages: 68-70 | 784 Views 124 Downloads Subject: Philosophy | Country: Uzbekistan | Philosophy | Uzbekistan |
2 | A prospective study on the role of modifiable risk factors in young ischemic stroke patients Dr. Anup N and Dr. Renjith James Pages: 71-78 | 793 Views 112 Downloads Subject: Medicine | Country: India | Medicine | India |
3 | From the history of the trade relations of Khiva Khanate with Russian empire (the first half of 19th century) Saidov Shavkat Pages: 79-81 | 1056 Views 354 Downloads Subject: History | Country: Uzbekistan | History | Uzbekistan |
4 | Model of implementation of the development system of the professional teacher’ image in postgraduate education Narzikulova Firuza Boturovna Pages: 82-85 | 771 Views 127 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
5 | The schemes of the identification of the factors related with the saving in the increase of the services rendered in the entities of hospitality business Shavkat Sharipovich Boltayev Pages: 86-89 | 810 Views 139 Downloads Subject: Tourism | Country: Uzbekistan | Tourism | Uzbekistan |
6 | Trends in the development of pedagogical ideas in Uzbekistan in the years of independence Kurbanova UU Pages: 90-94 | 811 Views 122 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
7 | The development of music and instrumental performance in Central Asia Azamat Rajabov Pages: 95-97 | 839 Views 155 Downloads Subject: Music | Country: Uzbekistan | Music | Uzbekistan |
8 | Perfection in the Heritage of our Ancestors U Kosimov Pages: 98-101 | 774 Views 99 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
9 | The issue of morality in the family and its philosophical analysis in the spiritual heritage of the Jadids Tagoeva Dilnavoz Narzikulovna Pages: 102-105 | 823 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
10 | Phytochemical and antimicrobial activities of leaf extract of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Pooja Ratnakaran, Anuja Anirudha Barve, Kavita Avinash Patnekar, Nayan Chandulal Patil, Neha Madhukar Udmale, Sapna Ramchandran and Annika Durve-Gupta Pages: 106-110 | 2106 Views 976 Downloads Subject: Biotechnology | Country: India | Biotechnology | India |
11 | A study of implications of GST on Indian economy Dr. Ashwani Kumar Jha Pages: 111-113 | 576 Views 103 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |