ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Quantification of nutrient and phytoconstituent in fresh and dehydrated Piper betel Leaf Mohanapriya S and Sridevi J Pages: 01-04 | 1087 Views 429 Downloads Subject: Nutrition | Country: India | Nutrition | India |
2 | Palliative measures to fight Covid-19 in Nigeria Ehioghiren Efe Efosa, Eneh Onyinye and Okoinemen Jimmy Pages: 05-12 | 843 Views 157 Downloads Subject: Accountancy | Country: Nigeria | Accountancy | Nigeria |
3 | Major role of epidemiological study in management of powdery mildew of blackgram: A review Poonam Kumari, Shivam Maurya, Sunil Kumar and Lokesh Kumar Pages: 13-16 | 1003 Views 377 Downloads Subject: Plant Pathology | Country: India | Plant Pathology | India |
4 | The current state and further improvement of the production, storage, processing and supply of agricultural products Khuzhayev Fazliddin Elmuratovich Pages: 17-19 | 742 Views 104 Downloads Subject: Architecture | Country: Uzbekistan | Architecture | Uzbekistan |
5 | The current state of agrology in the Republic of Uzbekistan Khuzhayev Fazliddin Ellmuradovich Pages: 20-23 | 752 Views 102 Downloads Subject: Architecture | Country: Uzbekistan | Architecture | Uzbekistan |
6 | Effectiveness of William’s flexion exercises in undergraduate physiotherapy students with chronic non-specific low back pain: An experimental study Anjali Atmaram More, Sanket Nagarale and Sucheta Golhar Pages: 24-30 | 1366 Views 541 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
7 | Relationship between teachers’ teaching competency and academic achievement of students Amresh Pandey and Dr. Ashok Kumar Pages: 31-33 | 1603 Views 919 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
8 | Physico-Chemical characteristics of two varieties of Pumpkin seeds Santhiya R and Sridevi J Pages: 34-39 | 797 Views 180 Downloads Subject: Nutrition and Dietetics | Country: India | Nutrition and Dietetics | India |
9 | Role of information technology on efficiency and growth of banking industries in Ramgarh district Anil Kumar and Dr. Ranjan Kumar Pages: 40-42 | 804 Views 114 Downloads Subject: Commerce and Management | Country: India | Commerce and Management | India |
10 | डाॅ. उषा किरण खान के कथा-साहित्य में वर्णित समाज शम्भू पासवान Pages: 43-45 | 1165 Views 412 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
11 | ग्रामीण परिवेश की महिलाओं में आहार एवं पोषण का स्वास्थ्य से सम्बन्ध डॉ अंजना कुमारी Pages: 46-47 | 872 Views 220 Downloads Subject: गृह विज्ञान | Country: India | गृह विज्ञान | India |
12 | Study of capital adequacy and privatization: A challenging role of commercial banks in India Dheeraj Kumar Mishra Pages: 48-52 | 667 Views 113 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |