ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Non-invasive urine collection-floor pit method in captive sloth bears (Melursus ursinus) S Ilayraja, Srinu Srikanta Maharana and Pooja Acharya Pages: 66-68 | 787 Views 164 Downloads Subject: Veterinary | Country: India | Veterinary | India |
2 | Tuberculomas of central nervous system: A case series and review of literature Dr. Meenakshi Shankar, Dr. Charanjeet Ahluwalia, Dr. Meetu Agarwal, Dr. KB Shankar and Dr. Sunil Ranga Pages: 69-73 | 679 Views 126 Downloads Subject: Pathology | Country: India | Pathology | India |
3 | स्वच्छ भारत मिशन धनंजय कुमार Pages: 74-76 | 248 Views 123 Downloads Subject: समाजशास्त्र | Country: India | समाजशास्त्र | India |
4 | ग्रामीण स्वास्थ्य एवं चिकित्सा संस्कृति के परिवर्तित प्रतिमान धनंजय कुमार Pages: 77-79 | 346 Views 217 Downloads Subject: समाजशास्त्र | Country: India | समाजशास्त्र | India |
5 | Role of eOffice in enhancing performance of the work force: A study on the effectiveness of eOffice of a group of employees of organized sector Dr. Sapna Sugandha and Chandan Veer Pages: 80-84 | 867 Views 392 Downloads Subject: Management Sciences | Country: India | Management Sciences | India |
6 | Abdominal cerclage P Chitra Pages: 85-86 | 593 Views 144 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
7 | Prevalence of balance and postural stability in individuals with unilateral and bilateral osteoarthritis knee using BES test scale Bidisha Jaiswal and Dr. Varsha A Kulkarni Pages: 87-93 | 676 Views 115 Downloads Subject: Orthopaedics | Country: India | Orthopaedics | India |
8 | Les perceptions des étudiants sur l’utilisation de la plateforme moodle pendant la pandémie COVID-19 Cas: Ecole nationale des sciences appliquées au maroc Zaina El Mouden and Idriss EL Ouafa Pages: 94-100 | 1080 Views 342 Downloads Subject: Communication | Country: Morocco | Communication | Morocco |
9 | A review on nutritional advantages and nutraceutical properties of cow and goat milk Shivani Chauhan, Pratik Powar and Rahul Mehra Pages: 101-105 | 1648 Views 321 Downloads Subject: Bio-Technology | Country: India | Bio-Technology | India |
10 | Impacts of cell phone technology on academic performance in Faisalabad Najaf Ali and Muhammad Aqeel Pages: 106-109 | 706 Views 140 Downloads Subject: Geography | Country: Pakistan | Geography | Pakistan |
11 | The political and economic significance of Indian ocean: An overview Dr. Surender Kumar and Manish Kumar Pages: 110-114 | 656 Views 215 Downloads Subject: Geography | Country: India | Geography | India |