ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Authentic documents or reference documents of recent times are necessary for professional translators in every domain including literature Sweta Raha Pages: 141-143 | 421 Views 127 Downloads Subject: Literature | Country: India | Literature | India |
2 | Paradigm shift: A study of shadow from Ladakh Iram Fatima Pages: 144-146 | 519 Views 202 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
3 | Pride of France: The delicious palates Saborni Biswas Pages: 147-150 | 554 Views 165 Downloads Subject: French | Country: India | French | India |
4 | Historical linguistic in Dr. Bhabani Bhattacharya’s so many hungers Iram Fatima Pages: 151-153 | 436 Views 145 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
5 | The extent of the preparedness of the health of Mecca to confront mutated coronavirus Mohammed H Almasoudi, Faisal A Tashkandi, Yusuf A Alqerainees, Ammar Y Bakhsh, Majed A Alshli, Majed M Allahyani, Bandar A Ganim, Mohammed A Alghamdi, Abdulhadi R Alotibi, Turki A Sardar, Abdulaziz K Almoamri, Abdullah A Alsulami, Jamil D Alkhattabi, Maher M Allehyani, Mohammed A Albishri, Abed A Alotaibi, Ahmed M Alotaibi, Khalid A Althobaiti, Abdalazaiz M Kutbi, Abdulmajeed A Alotaibi, Basim K Alhassani, Saad B Alsaedi, Turki A Alshaikh, Tawfiq M Alharbi, Sahel O Alfadhli, Abdulaziz A Alwuthaynani, Yasser A Alahmadi and Fahad M Alqarni Pages: 154-157 | 653 Views 159 Downloads Subject: Health | Country: Saudi Arabia | Health | Saudi Arabia |
6 | असगर वजाहत नाटक: एक समीक्षा फुल कुमारी Pages: 158-160 | 1223 Views 659 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
7 | The effect of vitamin B deficiency on human health Fahad O Alhathla, Balqassm A Almalki, Maher M Alotibi, Mohammad S Alomeri, Saleh M Farhan, Manea A Almajnoni, Abed M Albishri, Ashraf M Atiah, Mohammed AF Bogus, Aisheh A Tyash, Bander F Alotaibi, Abdulatif G Almoabdi, Ahmed O Alsehami, Rola S Ekram, Ghazi A Alghashmari, Mubarak H Alharbi, Mushari F Alhrbi, Jamilah A Alqarni, Abdulrahman M Aljuaid, Amani M Alhutayrshi, Salha M Alzahrani, Ohood H Mulla, Dana J Alsulami, Sahar S Alzahrani, Mania A Algahdali, Badreeh S Alshahrani, Sameer A Almgnony and Rashed A Alzahrani Pages: 161-164 | 873 Views 196 Downloads Subject: Health | Country: Saudi Arabia | Health | Saudi Arabia |
8 | प्रयागराज जनपद में माध्यमिक स्तर पर अनुसूचित जातियों में शिक्षा के विकास का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन डॉ. विधान कुमार शुक्ला Pages: 165-168 | 401 Views 102 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
9 | Uses of medicinal plants on Fabaceae family in Betul Rajnikant Verma and Manju Jain Pages: 169-172 | 546 Views 186 Downloads Subject: Plant | Country: India | Plant | India |
10 | Happiness among under graduate and post graduate students Dr. Rashmi M Pages: 173-176 | 532 Views 235 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
11 | Decolonizing the self in Jamaica Kincaid's "Lucy": A detailed exploration Dr. Geetanjali Pages: 177-179 | 343 Views 193 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |