ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Impact of six weeks yoga exercise on selected physiological variables Praveen Pages: 1005-1007 | 1418 Views 118 Downloads Subject: physiological | Country: India | physiological | India |
2 | Physiology of Flowering- The Case of Mango Makhmale Sandip, AN Makwana, AV Barad, BD Nawade Pages: 1008-1012 | 2210 Views 1025 Downloads Subject: Horticulture | Country: India | Horticulture | India |
3 | On Orthogonal Bimatrices G Ramesh, S Jothivasan, BKN Muthugobal, R Surendar Pages: 1013-1024 | 1412 Views 140 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
4 | Utilization of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Among Health Care Providers in Gatundu North District of Kiambu County, Kenya Cholo Wilberforce Odiwuor, Jackson HO Onyuka, Fransisca Muhoho, Joseph Muchiri, Chepkutto Yegon, Lynnete Muthoki, Jackline Nyaberi, Beatrice Kina, Catherine Nginya Pages: 1025-1029 | 1801 Views 260 Downloads Subject: Health Sciences | Country: Kenya | Health Sciences | Kenya |
5 | Tanacetum Parthenium: Medicinal Applications Mandeep kaur, Mayank sharma Pages: 1030-1031 | 1289 Views 156 Downloads Subject: Biotechnology | Country: India | Biotechnology | India |
6 | Optimization of Water for an Electricity Power Station Jehan IM Saleh, Bashir M Elhassan, Babiker K Abdalla Pages: 1032-1035 | 1321 Views 127 Downloads Subject: Electricity | Country: Sudan | Electricity | Sudan |
7 | Talent management in twenty - first century: theory and practically Asaad Ahmad abdelqader Alsakarneh, Shen Chao Hong Pages: 1036-1043 | 1728 Views 377 Downloads Subject: Business | Country: China | Business | China |
8 | Organizational Citizenship Behavior In Relation To Social Capital in North West Region of Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation: A Case of Amhara Regional State Demis Alamirew Getahun, Ritu Lehal Pages: 1044-1051 | 1405 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: Ethiopia | Management | Ethiopia |
9 | A strategy focus for a new university using Balanced Score Card metrics Nirmal Kumar Betchoo Pages: 1052-1057 | 1316 Views 142 Downloads Subject: Scorecard Metrics | Country: Mauritius | Scorecard Metrics | Mauritius |
10 | LdUnxqIr ukVd dh ukV~;&”kSyh MkW- f”konRr “kekZ Pages: 1058-1060 | 2347 Views 2125 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
11 | jkek;.k dkyhu jkti)fr izohu “kekZ Pages: 1061-1063 | 310 Views 125 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
12 | Correlation between two dissimilar modes of endurance test Manish Hooda Pages: 1064-1066 | 1536 Views 160 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
13 | The effects of physical activity on heart Navin Kumar, Sanesh Kumari Pages: 1067-1071 | 1486 Views 147 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
14 | Impact of social networking on consumer behaviour and monetary benefits to corporate hubs Arpit Shailesh, Dr. Taruna Pages: 1072-1077 | 1417 Views 128 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |