ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding childbirth preparation among Primi antenatal mothers at selected hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana Shahnaz Bee and Dr. K Savithri Pages: 135-137 | 860 Views 181 Downloads Subject: Medical | Country: India | Medical | India |
2 | Microalgae - A boon for larviculture of aquatic organisms Divya M and S Aanand Pages: 138-143 | 859 Views 165 Downloads Subject: Environment Management | Country: India | Environment Management | India |
3 | The issues of stability and human development in Uzbekistan within the context of “strategy of actions” Pulatov Jahongir Nazirovich Pages: 144-146 | 797 Views 133 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
4 | The strategy of renewal of the national spirituality of Uzbekistan Turdiyev Bexruz Sobirovich Pages: 147-151 | 850 Views 166 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
5 | The satirical social-media skits as template for new education: understanding the amateurish auteurism in nation building Adeseke Adefolaju Eben Pages: 152-156 | 1137 Views 327 Downloads Subject: Media Arts | Country: Nigeria | Media Arts | Nigeria |
6 | On the characterizations of integer solutions to the positive pellian equation A Vijayasankar, Sharadha Kumar and MA Gopalan Pages: 157-161 | 827 Views 125 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
7 | Management in human and societal development: images of organization analysis Dr. Kenneth Uzoma Chukwuba Pages: 162-165 | 877 Views 153 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: United States | Management | United States |
8 | Clinical profile and outcome of RBBB with anterior wall myocardial infarction R Devan, R Sampath Kumar, R Arun and K Kannan Pages: 166-169 | 1028 Views 262 Downloads Subject: Cardiology | Country: India | Cardiology | India |
9 | Determination of total antioxidant capacity, phenols and flavonoids in jack fruit seed flour Sivaranjini, L Uthira and Abarajitha K Pages: 170-172 | 990 Views 262 Downloads Subject: Nutrition | Country: India | Nutrition | India |
10 | முனைவர்ஜேஆர். இலட்சுமிஅவர்களின் தாராசுரம் ஐராவதீச்சுரம் சிற்பங்கள் - பார்வை. முனைவர்இரா. விமலாதேவி Pages: 173-176 | 299 Views 163 Downloads Subject: Kannada | Country: India | Kannada | India |
11 | अंबाजोगाई शहरातील युवकांचा व्यवसायाकड पाहण्याचा दृष्टीकोण Pavan Somnathappa Girwalkar Pages: 177-178 | 221 Views 104 Downloads Subject: Social Work | Country: India | Social Work | India |