ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | A study on history of Ahl-i-Hadith movement in Kashmir Wasim Sajad Malik and Dr. Savitri Singh Pages: 65-68 | 973 Views 460 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |
2 | व्याकरणदर्शन का उद्भव एवं उसकी समृद्ध परम्परा Rashmi Arya Pages: 69-70 | 360 Views 253 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
3 | Effects of cognitive sensory motor training versus repetitive facilitation exercises on quality of movement of upper limb, functional activity and range of motion of upper limb in hemiparetic patients.-a comparative study Dr. Ankita Kharote and Dr. Abhijit Satralkar Pages: 71-78 | 1174 Views 593 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
4 | मुस्लिम समुदाय में पारिवारिक हिंसा के कारणों का अध्ययन डॉ. मुहम्मद मुस्तकीम Pages: 79-81 | 739 Views 184 Downloads Subject: Social Science | Country: India | Social Science | India |
5 | कोविड-19 महामारी के संदर्भ में विद्यार्थियों का मानसिक स्वास्थ्य और शिक्षकों की भूमिका हिमानी शर्मा Pages: 82-84 | 550 Views 110 Downloads Subject: समाजशास्त्र विभाग | Country: India | समाजशास्त्र विभाग | India |
6 | A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of steam inhalation versus breathing exercise in the airway clearances among COPD patients, in railway general hospitals, Chennai Sofia Macdaline Pages: 85-91 | 803 Views 309 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
7 | Is global unrest manifests the perils of inherent institutional policy fissures through misallocation of resources and distributive injustice?: A critical analysis Rabinder Prasad Pages: 92-95 | 519 Views 85 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
8 | फतेहपुर जिले में प्रारंभिक शिक्षा स्तर पर एकीकृत शिक्षा योजना के क्रियान्वयन का समीक्षात्मक का अध्ययन अमरनाथ, डाॅं. छाया श्रीवास्तव Pages: 96-100 | 605 Views 155 Downloads Subject: Life Long Learning | Country: India | Life Long Learning | India |
9 | “AiÀÄĪÀ¦Ã½UÉAiÀÄ ªÉÄÃ¯É CAvÀeÁð®ªÀÅ ©ÃgÀÄwÛgÀĪ ¥Àæ¨sÁªÀ” -MAzÀÄ ¸ÀªÀiÁd±Á¹ÛçÃAiÀÄ «±ÉèõÀu qÁ. JA. PÉ. zÉêÀ¥, ¥ÉÆæ. J£ï. ªÉAPÀmÉñï Pages: 101-104 | 554 Views 105 Downloads Subject: Kannada | Country: India | Kannada | India |
10 | A historical analysis of tourism in Jammu and Kashmir Asif Iqbal and Dr. Savitri Singh Parihar Pages: 105-108 | 829 Views 385 Downloads Subject: Humanities | Country: India | Humanities | India |
11 | Topic heat and mass transfer Sonia Pages: 109-117 | 570 Views 137 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |