ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Assessing the status of climate change and consequences: Global and local perspectives Layth Mohammed Alwreikat and Dr. Fathurrahman Lananan Pages: 461-466 | 618 Views 132 Downloads Subject: Environment | Country: Malaysia | Environment | Malaysia |
2 | प्रमाणविषयकनैयायिकदृष्टिपर्यालोचनम् डॉ. रघुनाथो नेपालः Pages: 467-481 | 661 Views 191 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: Nepal | Sanskrit | Nepal |
3 | Study of association between axial length and macular thickness in myopic adult population in western India Dr. Aishwarya Patel, Dr. Vandana Mahaur, Dr. TS Ahluwalia, Dr. Rahul Dara and Dr. Miti Shah Pages: 482-485 | 748 Views 207 Downloads Subject: Ophthalmology | Country: India | Ophthalmology | India |
4 | School readiness, print awareness and parental involvement of children: Role of preschool type Mausumi Mishra and Prabhudarsan Sahoo Pages: 486-489 | 612 Views 144 Downloads Subject: Psychology | Country: India | Psychology | India |
5 | Urine cytopathology: A study in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Junu Devi and Dr. Upasana Kalita Pages: 490-491 | 644 Views 156 Downloads Subject: Pathology | Country: India | Pathology | India |
6 | Effect of lumbar high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust on speed and agility in elite athletes: A randomised controlled trial Dr. Tejaswini Vasave and Dr. Sanket Nagrale Pages: 492-502 | 725 Views 170 Downloads Subject: Musculoskeletal | Country: India | Musculoskeletal | India |
7 | The comparative study the effect of Facebook addiction on adolescent generation: An impactual and behavioural analysis Alka Tomer Pages: 503-508 | 559 Views 102 Downloads Subject: Communication | Country: India | Communication | India |
8 | Immediate effect of integrated neuromuscular inhibitory technique on calf pain and ankle rom in Bharatayanatyam dancers-experimental study Aishwarya Pimpalnerkar and Dr. Sanket Nagrale Pages: 509-512 | 589 Views 121 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
9 | The effectiveness of reading techniques on college students of Rajouri, Darhal and Thannamandi Mohd Akram and Ruchi Mishra Tiwari Pages: 513-516 | 580 Views 144 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
10 | Knowledge, practice level & attitude towards standard precautions and biomedical waste management among physiotherapy students Dr. Nidhi Ladha and Dr. Vanshika Ramrakhyani Pages: 517-520 | 752 Views 157 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
11 | Self-confidence, educational anxiety & achievement motivation of male and female secondary school students: A comparative study Mohini Pages: 521-524 | 542 Views 130 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |