ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Attitudes of teachers towards the inclusion of children Arti Kumari Pages: 81-86 | 557 Views 143 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
2 | Food habits, family and health status of tribal women in Jharkhand with tuberculosis Dr. Priti Kumari and Dr. Asha Kumari Parsad Pages: 87-92 | 563 Views 184 Downloads Subject: Home Science | Country: India | Home Science | India |
3 | Diode laser assisted excision of verrucous leukoplakia: A case report Dr. Rajhans Nilima, Dr. Pathare Aparna, Dr. Dhanesh Sable, Dr. Joanna Shrisunder and Dr. Tanuja Ugale Pages: 93-95 | 602 Views 182 Downloads Subject: Periodontology | Country: India | Periodontology | India |
4 | A study of slope characteristics of lower Girna basin in Jalgaon district, (MS) using RS and GIS environment Kiran M Gavit and Dr. MB Chavan Pages: 96-100 | 706 Views 247 Downloads Subject: Geography | Country: India | Geography | India |
5 | Technological advancement in hotel front office Ramkrishna Jana Pages: 101-105 | 813 Views 442 Downloads Subject: Hotel industry | Country: India | Hotel industry | India |
6 | A cross-sectional study to assess the knowledge attitude and perception toward COVID-19 vaccinations among general population of Naraingarh district Ambala (Haryana) Renu Bala, Shabnam Banoo, Misba Liaqat, Dushyant Sehrawat, Lalita Kumari, Neha kumari, Akanksha Dhiman, Kanika Dhiman and Meenu Kumari Pages: 106-112 | 583 Views 129 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
7 | Medicinal plant: Leucas spp. Gitanjali Devi Pages: 113-114 | 619 Views 164 Downloads Subject: Nematology | Country: India | Nematology | India |
8 | Visual imagery versus auditory imagery on upper extremity function in subjects with chronic stroke Pooja Jain K and Sudheera Kunduru Pages: 115-119 | 591 Views 224 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
9 | A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding organ donation among the nursing students of Desh Bhagat University School of Nursing Mandi Gobindgarh, Disttfatehgarh Sahib Rakhi Devi Pages: 124-127 | 1134 Views 541 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |