ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | A study on consumer behaviour with emphasis on perception with reference to organised and conventional retail stores- A comparative study U Ravi Kumar, Dr. S. Anitha Devi Pages: 406-410 | 1555 Views 245 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
2 | ekeksfu jble xksLokeh ds miU;kl esa vfHkO;ä ukjh psruk t;Ur dqekj cksjks Pages: 411-417 | 1477 Views 143 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
3 | Medicinal plants used by tribal population of Anuppur district Madhya Pradesh, India Preeti Sagar Malaiya Pages: 418-421 | 1455 Views 225 Downloads Subject: Botany | Country: India | Botany | India |
4 | Entrepreneurial motivation and determinant factors of the TVET graduate students Gebremedhn Mezgebe Kidane, Dr. R Satya Raju Pages: 422-428 | 1625 Views 187 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
5 | A study on consumers awareness on consumer rights with reference to Coimbatore City S Tamilmani Pages: 429-431 | 2500 Views 1046 Downloads Subject: Arts | Country: India | Arts | India |
6 | ^ejkBh vkf.k fganh nfyr vkRedFkus & L=h thoun’kZu izk- MkW- ih-Mh- tk/ko Pages: 432-437 | 701 Views 522 Downloads Subject: मराठी | Country: India | मराठी | India |
7 | Islamic perspectives on environmental protection Dr. O.M. Ashtankar Pages: 438-441 | 1856 Views 235 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
8 | Study of M. Sc. Theses in Vegetable Science department at KNK College of Horticulture Mandsaur, (M.P.) HC Bharvey, Dr. Ramnivas Sharma Pages: 442-445 | 1620 Views 247 Downloads Subject: Horticulture | Country: India | Horticulture | India |
9 | fl) lkfgR;&ijEijk vkSj izo`fRRk;ka MkW- fâ€konRr “kekZ Pages: 446-448 | 5515 Views 5355 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
10 | Comparison of remote sensing based indices for drought monitoring in Anantapur C .Mahesh Babu, T Hemalatha, B Ranga Naik Pages: 449-456 | 1451 Views 199 Downloads Subject: Civil Engineering | Country: India | Civil Engineering | India |
11 | Educational views of Mahatma Gandhi Dr. Dinesh Chand Pages: 457-463 | 1458 Views 206 Downloads Subject: Natural Science | Country: India | Natural Science | India |
12 | Reach of social welfare schemes to Dalit women: A conceptual framework Dr. R Shanthakumari Pages: 464-467 | 1299 Views 183 Downloads Subject: Social Science | Country: India | Social Science | India |
13 | Phytochemical investigation and Antiinflammatory activity of aqueous extract of leaves of Clerodendrum serratum Linn. Malik Tafazul Rashid, Sajad H Wani, Shabir A Lone and AS Yadav Pages: 468-472 | 948 Views 136 Downloads Subject: Biology | Country: India | Biology | India |
14 | धर्मशास्त्र के क्षेत्र में चण्डेश्वर का अवदान मीनाक्षी कुमारी Pages: 473-475 | 778 Views 185 Downloads Subject: इतिहास विभाग | Country: India | इतिहास विभाग | India |