ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Stress management among women employees in it sector industry: A study in Visakhapatnam Anuradha Nakka, Dr. N Venkataswamy Naidu Pages: 686-689 | 1939 Views 436 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
2 | Role of philosophy and existence of man Harish R Pages: 690-691 | 1381 Views 173 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
3 | Structured view of profitable financial inclusion models practiced by Indian banking industry Saurabh Padmakar Balote Pages: 692-696 | 1301 Views 139 Downloads Subject: Social Science | Country: India | Social Science | India |
4 | Ease of doing business in India: A big ‘Unease’ for ‘Make in India’ programme Harpreet Kaur Pages: 697-702 | 1709 Views 276 Downloads Subject: Business | Country: India | Business | India |
5 | Analysing the deficiencies in teacher education by Pareto chart Hariharan R Pages: 703-708 | 1718 Views 376 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
6 | Higher education and economic growth nexus Jihène Sbaouelgi Pages: 709-715 | 1544 Views 147 Downloads Subject: Commercial Sciences | Country: Tunisia | Commercial Sciences | Tunisia |
7 | Six sigma based process capability analysis of learning the ICT concepts by B.Ed teacher trainees Hariharan R Pages: 716-718 | 1522 Views 127 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
8 | Brucellosis: Its impact and cost effective control strategies in Mongolia Hardi Fattah Marif Pages: 719-722 | 1547 Views 172 Downloads Subject: Medicine | Country: Iraq | Medicine | Iraq |
9 | Effect of PGPR with ACC- Deaminase activity on growth performance of wheat cultivated under stress conditions AM Pande, Kulkarni NS, MG Bodhankar Pages: 723-726 | 1399 Views 159 Downloads Subject: Microbiology | Country: India | Microbiology | India |
10 | Interplay between measure theory and topology Parvinder Singh Pages: 727-734 | 1557 Views 188 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
11 | Productivity and wages in Indian manufacturing sector: Spatial variation and determinants Dr. Tanu Kathuria Pages: 735-743 | 1486 Views 178 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
12 | Xkty Xktj esa O;kIr lkekftd psruk ehuw jkuh Pages: 744-746 | 282 Views 118 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
13 | Study of antibiotic sensitivity pattern in catheter associated urinary tract infection in hospital environment Javed Iqbal, Durgesh Mishra and Fozia Kouser Pages: 747-750 | 952 Views 114 Downloads Subject: Biological Sciences | Country: India | Biological Sciences | India |
14 | सप्तक-संकलित कवियों की कहानियों का भाषिक वैशिष्ट्य हर्षवर्द्धन कुमार Pages: 751-753 | 354 Views 217 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
15 | जैन संस्कृत पुराणों में नारी शिक्षा डाॅ0 संतोष गुप्ता Pages: 754-757 | 1054 Views 536 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |