ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Study of autoantibodies in recurrent foetal loss in tertiary care hospital Gausiya AR Shaikh Khan, Shashikant P Vaidya, Subhash A Angadi and Geeta V Koppikar Pages: 71-74 | 1039 Views 127 Downloads Subject: Microbiology | Country: India | Microbiology | India |
2 | A brief history of materials and construction techniques of Mughal architecture Dr. Rahul Maurya Pages: 75-78 | 3071 Views 1874 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |
3 | Bio-efficacy of fungicides for management of blast disease caused by Pyricularia oryzae Cavara in rice KD Singha and Dinesh Hazarika Pages: 79-82 | 1046 Views 165 Downloads Subject: Agricultural | Country: India | Agricultural | India |
4 | Clinicopathological profile of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Dr. Shilpi Sikarwar and Dr. Ajay Pal Singh Pages: 83-90 | 1007 Views 121 Downloads Subject: Pathology | Country: India | Pathology | India |
5 | A comprehensive analysis of retinal pericytes and cytomegalovirus infectivity: (HCMV-induced congenital ocular disease) Dr. Amitabha Kar and Aparajita Kar Pages: 91-97 | 1008 Views 105 Downloads Subject: Human Physiology | Country: India | Human Physiology | India |
6 | Immunotherapeutic potential of Plasmodium against cancer by inducing immunomodulation Aqsa Riaz, Awais Ali, Usman Babar, Usama Arshad, Muhammad Asad Ullah, Ali Usman, Mirza Sabuktgeen Baig, Muhammad Faizan Manzoor and Usama Zahir Pages: 98-106 | 1123 Views 124 Downloads Subject: Biology | Country: Pakistan | Biology | Pakistan |
7 | Eminent Sufism in the earlier period Dr. HK Sulaiman Khan and M Mubarak Basha Pages: 107-108 | 1010 Views 164 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |
8 | Role of women in agriculture Dr. Basavaraj Patil and Dr. V Suresh Babus Pages: 109-114 | 1483 Views 356 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
9 | Competency and safety of bubble continuous positive airway pressure in preterm neonates with respiratory distress Jain Shubham, Chaudhary SR and Ahmed SM Pages: 115-117 | 1118 Views 194 Downloads Subject: Paediatric | Country: India | Paediatric | India |
10 | Learning to live with dementia - supporting people to live at home with dementia Mathew Joseph Kanamala Pages: 118-122 | 989 Views 92 Downloads Subject: Geriatric Psychiatry | Country: India | Geriatric Psychiatry | India |
11 | प्रस्थान त्रयी में आत्मा डाॅ. तीर्थानन्द मिश्र Pages: 123-126 | 363 Views 222 Downloads Subject: हिन्दी | Country: India | हिन्दी | India |
12 | Incidence of MRSA at surgical site infections after head and neck free flap Surgery: Our experience Sunil Kumar Agrawala and Mahesh Chandra Sahoo Pages: 127-130 | 926 Views 100 Downloads Subject: Surgery | Country: India | Surgery | India |
13 | The Spice Route: A Historical Survey Dr. Nasir Raza Khan Pages: 131-133 | 3602 Views 2601 Downloads Subject: Culture | Country: India | Culture | India |
14 | A study of job satisfaction and organizational commitment among trained & untrained secondary school teachers Dr. Anup Baluni Pages: 134-139 | 565 Views 125 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
15 | The integration of blockchain technology and machine learning: A theoretical framework Rishi Ashtana, Pankaj Singh and Vertika Rao Pages: 140-144 | 472 Views 244 Downloads Subject: Electronics | Country: India | Electronics | India |