ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Nutritional status of school going adolescent girls: A study of Nellore District Dr. Chandrika Thalari, Dr. T Adilakshmi and K Surendranadha Reddy Pages: 196-199 | 956 Views 163 Downloads Subject: Anthropology | Country: India | Anthropology | India |
2 | Statistical control of protein depression in spring milk Alirıza Åžahin and Murat Çimen Pages: 200-201 | 849 Views 136 Downloads Subject: Food and Nutrition | Country: Turkey | Food and Nutrition | Turkey |
3 | Rising and the pioneers of English novels Aaditya Raman Uniyal Pages: 202-204 | 1683 Views 939 Downloads Subject: Language Literature | Country: India | Language Literature | India |
4 | Control measures of non-performing assets (NPA) in Indian banking system: A comprehensive study Dr. Ashish Khandelwal and Rumjhum Choudhary Pages: 205-207 | 1459 Views 658 Downloads Subject: Management Studies | Country: India | Management Studies | India |
5 | The influence of career ability and development to organizational performance through work satisfaction as mediation variables in Pt. Halla Corporation R Mahendra MIK, Abdul Rivai and Bongsu Saragih Pages: 208-212 | 894 Views 147 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: Indonesia | Management | Indonesia |
6 | The influence of use of social and electronic word of mouth media to buying decisions in mediation by trust in tokopedia services users Prabu Ramadhan, Guswandi and Iwan Kurniawan Subagja Pages: 213-221 | 899 Views 158 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: Indonesia | Management | Indonesia |
7 | The influence of organizational culture and motivation on employee performance through work satisfaction as a variable of mediation in the directorate of post and information technology resources and equipment management Juliani Sitorus, Wagiarto Hoesin and Ismail Razak Pages: 222-229 | 1021 Views 227 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: Indonesia | Management | Indonesia |
8 | A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding Pre-Eclampsia among antenatal mothers Dr. Bhuvaneshwari G and P Thaines Stephy Pages: 230-232 | 1048 Views 308 Downloads Subject: Community Health Nursing | Country: India | Community Health Nursing | India |
9 | The effect of liquidity ratio and debt ratio of achievements in assets Pt. reliance securities Mery Mudespa, P Eddy Sanusi Silitonga and Djoko Setyo Widodo Pages: 233-237 | 897 Views 144 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: Indonesia | Management | Indonesia |
10 | Contributions of Jains to the Indian economy: A study Shri Kiran CM Pages: 238-240 | 5710 Views 4196 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
11 | राजस्थानी लघु चित्र-परम्परा में चित्र संयोजन डॉ. अरविन्द मैन्दोला Pages: 241-242 | 309 Views 95 Downloads Subject: Arts | Country: India | Arts | India |