ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Role of NPA in Indian banking sector Rahmuddin Miyan Pages: 191-192 | 495 Views 110 Downloads Subject: Commerce & Business Administration | Country: India | Commerce & Business Administration | India |
2 | Smart housing marketing in India Dr. Ram Balak Thakur Pages: 193-195 | 458 Views 87 Downloads Subject: Marketing | Country: India | Marketing | India |
3 | Medicinal plants with antioxidant potential of leaf extracts of selected medicinal plants Rajaiah E and Nageswara Rao Singisala Pages: 196-201 | 640 Views 126 Downloads Subject: Botany | Country: India | Botany | India |
4 | गद्य एवं खड़ीबोली हिन्दी के यात्रा में बाबू हरिश्चन्द्र’- एक अध्ययन लक्ष्मी प्रसाद शर्मा Pages: 202-204 | 467 Views 97 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
5 | Incidence of midline neck mass (A retrospective cyto-morphological study, at Jorhat Medical College, Assam) Basanta Sonowal, Aparna Langthasa and Prasanta kr. Baruah Pages: 205-209 | 576 Views 114 Downloads Subject: Pathology | Country: India | Pathology | India |
6 | A quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of video teaching programme on knowledge regarding the prevention of surgical site infection among staff nurses at selected hospitals of District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh Vaishali and Diksha Sharma Pages: 210-213 | 565 Views 152 Downloads Subject: Medical Surgical Nursing | Country: India | Medical Surgical Nursing | India |
7 | Implementation of online learning on citizenship education subjects in class XI vocational high school 2 Tondano, Indonesia (Comparative study before the pandemic and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic) Siro, Roos MS Tuerah and Shelty DM Sumual Pages: 214-220 | 497 Views 100 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Indonesia | Education | Indonesia |
8 | वीणा ठाकुरक मैथिलीमे साधना विनोद कुमार मंडल Pages: 221-222 | 527 Views 86 Downloads Subject: Maithili | Country: India | Maithili | India |
9 | कपड़ा उद्योगों में एक्टिवेटेड कार्बन के अनुप्रयोग किर्ती जलगांवकर, पी जगज्जानंथा, शर्मिला पाटील, ज्योती ढाकने-लाड, अर्चना महापात्रा, मनोज कुमार महावर Pages: 223-226 | 168 Views 106 Downloads Subject: कृषि विभाग | Country: India | कृषि विभाग | India |
10 | Panchayati Raj elections in navy Andhra Pradesh: A case study of East Godavari district S Govardhan Naidu and Sri Jampana Suraiah Pages: 227-229 | 448 Views 94 Downloads Subject: Political Science | Country: India | Political Science | India |
11 | Effect of feeding Barki lambs on straw treated with Nutrient liquid Alhashmey Milad Mohamed Pages: 230-232 | 288 Views 74 Downloads Subject: Agricultural | Country: Libya | Agricultural | Libya |