ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | शहडोल संभाग में पारिस्थितिकी पर्यटन विकास की संभावनाएँ: एक भौगोलिक विश्लेषण डॉ. बी. पी. सिंह, सविता पटेल Pages: 161-163 | 683 Views 288 Downloads Subject: Geography | Country: India | Geography | India |
2 | A study on mental health and technology during the COVID-19 pandemic Aayush Verma Pages: 164-169 | 698 Views 217 Downloads Subject: Computer Science | Country: India | Computer Science | India |
3 | The linkage between good governance and service delivery in Meru district council, Tanzania Erick Mathew Kaaya, Samuel Obino Mokaya and Samwel Werema Pages: 170-173 | 504 Views 183 Downloads Subject: Agricultural | Country: Kenya | Agricultural | Kenya |
4 | Demystifying mathematical anxiety among male and female students Rachna Arora and Dr. Rama Kumari Pages: 174-180 | 482 Views 121 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
5 | Waste management in hotel industry Ramkrishna Jana Pages: 181-184 | 555 Views 227 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
6 | Ancient roman structures in France SK Jiaul Haque Pages: 185-187 | 451 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Language | Country: India | Language | India |
7 | Immunomodulatory activity for methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera leaves in albino rats Zeeshan Nisar, Manik Sharma, Jagrati Tripathi and Rajendra Chauhan Pages: 188-192 | 477 Views 155 Downloads Subject: Zoology | Country: India | Zoology | India |
8 | Assessment of the impact of the transformation of the directorate of health affairs into a health cluster and its impact on the quality of health services for the population of the city of Mecca Nawaf M Alharbi, Saleh M Alharbi, Mohammed A Sulaimani, Ahmad A Alzhrani, Hani D Almaghthwi, Mohammed M Eissa, Ahmed M Badawi, Marie A Allihayni, Asaad S Almokhildi, Sameer M Albishri, Asim S Almoanna, Rakan B Aljuaid, Muhamad A Almazmumi, Suhail F Abutalib, Majdi S Almuanni, Asmah A Miswak, Amin O Alhendi, Zaid A Almalki, Fayes A Alshehri, Abdulrahman A Althubyani, Hatem M Fagieh, Raeed M Rommani, Duaa A Alharbi, Salem N Alharbi, Samaher S Shaqra, Mohana A Alsolimy, Saeed N Alghamdi, Mohammed S Alghamdi, Saleh H Alzahrani, Faisal S Alharbi, Ahmed A Alsulami, Nawaf K Alotaibi, Talal M Alsarawani, Ramzi S Aldaadi, Abdualkriem A Malaka, Talat S Ghandurah, Dakheel S Almalki, Saleh J Almalki, Ashwaq M Alnazawi, Nawaf S Alharbi, Ghazi S Ashoor and Embark A Alsharef Pages: 193-196 | 1115 Views 160 Downloads Subject: Health | Country: Saudi Arabia | Health | Saudi Arabia |
9 | Biochemical composition of seaweeds in little Andaman of Andaman and Nicobar islands Dr. Anupama Rai Pages: 197-200 | 450 Views 122 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
10 | An overview of cyber crimes: A major threat to society and legal remedies to it around the world Apoorv Singh and Tushar Dixit Pages: 201-204 | 588 Views 144 Downloads Subject: Law | Country: India | Law | India |