ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | अनुसूचित जनजाति वर्ग के छात्र एवं छात्राओं की सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक गतिशीलता का अध्ययन मनीला सिंह एवं डॉ. एस. के. त्रिपाठी Pages: 74-77 | 800 Views 332 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |
2 | Education system at GMIM Ds AZR Wenas foundation Tomohon city North Sulawesi-Indonesia Ivan SG Wullur, Benny B Binilang, Fientje JA Oentoe and Henny N Tambingon Pages: 78-84 | 603 Views 129 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Indonesia | Education | Indonesia |
3 | An evaluation of water quality of PÄrbati River by using water quality index Rasekh Ali Dar, Kalpana Dave, Vipin Vyas and Abhilasha Bhawsar Pages: 85-91 | 752 Views 244 Downloads Subject: Zoology and Applied Aquaculture | Country: India | Zoology and Applied Aquaculture | India |
4 | Method development and validation of simultaneous determination of Eugenol, Thymoquinone and β-Careophyllene in mixed spice samples Rituparna Mukherjee, Amartya Kumar Gupta and Nandita Das Pages: 92-97 | 675 Views 156 Downloads Subject: Medical Science | Country: India | Medical Science | India |
5 | Analysis of Disaster events in District Almora, Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand Mahendra Singh, Dr. DS Parihar, Chandani Arya and Dr. Deepak Pages: 98-106 | 980 Views 394 Downloads Subject: Geography | Country: India | Geography | India |
6 | Forecasting analysis of COVID-19 cases in eastern Visayas, Philippines Urbano P Pino Jr., Thea C Galos, Gabino P Petilos, Hanna Rachelle A Gohil, Cristina S Castañares, Rizaldo Louis E Penetrante and Jhon Dexther G Yaras Pages: 107-116 | 1022 Views 373 Downloads Subject: Mathematics and Statistics | Country: Philippines | Mathematics and Statistics | Philippines |
7 | A design for special type double sampling plan under fuzzy environment V Sangeetha and KS Karunya Pages: 117-120 | 761 Views 270 Downloads Subject: Statistics | Country: India | Statistics | India |
8 | Changing trends in antimicrobial susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in a regional centre for sexually transmitted infections in central India from 2012-2021 Bhavishya D Gaddam, Sumathi Muralidhar, Jayesh I Mukhi, Manjushree R Waikar, Jitendra K Deshmukh, Manisha K Sharma, Kalindi S Deogade, Sonali S Gosavi and Vandana A Agarwal Pages: 121-124 | 604 Views 144 Downloads Subject: Microbiology | Country: India | Microbiology | India |
9 | The principal’s leadership in Airmadidi Senior High School in North Sulawesi province, Indonesia Marlinda MF Pandi, Javier IC Tuerah and Paulus R Tuerah Pages: 125-132 | 575 Views 142 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Indonesia | Education | Indonesia |
10 | जल विज्ञान व वनस्पति विज्ञानः प्राकृतिक ससांधन शास्त्र की ज्योतिषीय प्रासंगिकता डॉ. जितेंद्र व्यास Pages: 133-136 | 512 Views 314 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
11 | An assessment of achievement motivation and mental rehearsal among swimmers, cyclists and runners Neha Baghel and Dr. Pardeep Kumar Pages: 137-140 | 504 Views 106 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |