ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | A comparative study of teaching competence among prospective science and social study teachers Dr. Khushwant Kaur Pages: 01-03 | 1304 Views 145 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
2 | Demonetization at glance in Indian scenario: A conceptual study Sunil Pages: 04-08 | 1348 Views 167 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
3 | ½Xosn esa :id ijd fcEc foospuk MkW0 jfoUnz dqekj Pages: 09-10 | 277 Views 127 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
4 | Is worst of recession coming in India? Dr. Meenu Jain Pages: 11-13 | 1186 Views 129 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
5 | Effectiveness of activity friendly play intervention on healthy habits among children Budda Kavitha, B Vanaja Kumari, Dr. Indira S, B Kalpana, K Kantha and B Bhanu Jyothi Pages: 14-15 | 1410 Views 161 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
6 | A pharmaceutical study of Bharangiguda Avaleha prepared by two different processes and its efficacy on Tamaka Shwasa Dr. Alpesh Thobhanbhai Jarsania and Dr. Nipa A. Jarsania Pages: 16-23 | 1409 Views 208 Downloads Subject: Pharmaceuticals | Country: India | Pharmaceuticals | India |
7 | मध्यान्ह भोजन योजना के प्रति अध्यापकों के दृष्टिकोण का एक विश्लेषण उत्तरप्रदेश, जनपद-फतेहपुर के विशेष सन्दर्भ में डा. अर्चना गुप्ता, प्रो. जे.पी. श्रीवास्तव Pages: 24-32 | 5948 Views 625 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
8 | jk/koYyHk f=kikBh jfpr y?kqdFkk ¶d#.kk¸ dh leh{kk MkW- Tokyk izlkn Pages: 33-36 | 250 Views 119 Downloads Subject: संस्कृत विभाग | Country: India | संस्कृत विभाग | India |
9 | A prospective interventional study of 50 patients to assess the effectiveness and safety of intralesional reconstituted bacille calmette guerin immunotherapy in treatment of warts Dr. Ashish Jagati, Dr. Shreya Agarwal, Dr. Kirti S Parmar, Dr. Bela J Shah, Dr. Jaydip Tank Pages: 37-41 | 1286 Views 173 Downloads Subject: Medical Science | Country: India | Medical Science | India |
10 | Knowledge regarding cervical cancer among women above 35 years in Chinna Seeragapadi, Salem Dr. V Selvanayaki Pages: 42-43 | 1273 Views 131 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
11 | शूकर उत्पादन मे अनाज ज्वार एक प्रभावकारी उर्जा का स्त्रोत है रामराज सेन, डॉ. शिशुपाल सिंह, महेन्द्र प्रताप गौतम Pages: 44-46 | 266 Views 113 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |