ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Prevalence and risk factors of constipation among hospitalized patients Prinkle Chauhan and Jasvinder Kaur Saini Pages: 208-212 | 903 Views 128 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
2 | Implementation of income generation activities under JEEViKA: A study at Samastipur district of Bihar Dr. Shankar Chatterjee and DP Singh Pages: 213-216 | 1147 Views 173 Downloads Subject: Social | Country: India | Social | India |
3 | বৈদিক পরম্পরানুসারে আর্থিক সমৃদ্ধিতে পশুপালনের ভূমিকা সুজয় দাস Pages: 217-229 | 1047 Views 917 Downloads Subject: Bengali Language | Country: India | Bengali Language | India |
4 | Comparative physical fitness study on DYSS hostel students and UHS sports students Dr. Suresh B Patil, Manjunath Devanal and HM Talwar Pages: 230-233 | 857 Views 102 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
5 | The deori tribe of Assam: A socio-cultural study Madhurjya Phukan Pages: 234-236 | 2669 Views 1686 Downloads Subject: Language | Country: India | Language | India |
6 | Management of diabetes and Unani medicine: A review Dr. Irshad Hussain and Dr. Akhlaque Hussain Pages: 237-240 | 1410 Views 500 Downloads Subject: Medical | Country: India | Medical | India |
7 | Work environment as a tool for improving Employees performance and organizational productivity Nwachukwu Precious Ikechukwu, Tamuno Daniel Achori, Ezediuto Stanley Uchenna and AKE Okechukwu Pages: 241-247 | 1398 Views 413 Downloads Subject: Marketing | Country: Nigeria | Marketing | Nigeria |
8 | A pre-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional module (SIM) in terms of knowledge on current trends of vaccination among nursing students of Himalayan institute of nursing, Ambala Haryana Renu Bala, Jyoti Devi, Kritika Kaushal, Mamta Kumari, Mandira Rai, Kamini and Leela Devi Pages: 248-251 | 923 Views 124 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
9 | Impact of welfare measures among coffee plantation workers: A study with reference to Kodagu district Shailashree K Pages: 252-255 | 1048 Views 222 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
10 | The problem of black money in India and it’s controlling measures Sayan Sarkar Pages: 256-259 | 986 Views 164 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
11 | An analytical study of the efficiency of agricultural investment in Syria Mohannad Alobid, Szucs Istvan, Muhamad Zeed and Yasien Alobied Pages: 260-264 | 996 Views 123 Downloads Subject: Economic and Science | Country: Hungary | Economic and Science | Hungary |
12 | बच्चों के व्यवहारिक एवं सामाजिक जीवन में कार्टून धारावाहिकों की भूमिका सुरेश कुमार दुग्गल, डॉ. रविन्द्र Pages: 265-275 | 1035 Views 115 Downloads Subject: Journalism and Mass Communication | Country: India | Journalism and Mass Communication | India |
13 | सनातनधर्मे प्रायश्चित्तमहत्त्वम् रतीश कुमार मिश्र Pages: 276-278 | 216 Views 113 Downloads Subject: Literature | Country: India | Literature | India |