ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Maternal health under Janani Suraksha Yojana in India: A study T Anna Selvam Pages: 01-02 | 606 Views 142 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
2 | Creativity is the key to education Dr. Deepak Kumar Routray Pages: 03-08 | 866 Views 230 Downloads Subject: Statistics | Country: India | Statistics | India |
3 | Quasi-experimental study to assess the impact of Self Instructional module (SIM) on knowledge regarding management of swine Flu (H1N1 Influenza) among general nursing midwifery (GNM) students of ancillary medical training school, Shireen Bagh, Srinagar, Kashmir Rais Ahmad, Dr. Mehmooda Regu and Bilques Yasmeen Pages: 09-16 | 738 Views 148 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
4 | कामकाजी एवं गृहिणी महिलाओं के किशोर छात्र-छात्राओं के संवेगात्मक परिपक्वता का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन गुलशन कुमार, डॉ. भरत कुमार पण्डा एवं डॉ. उज्ज्वला सदाफळ Pages: 17-23 | 1291 Views 646 Downloads Subject: Home Science | Country: India | Home Science | India |
5 | Astrological research on gemology Abbey Peter Pages: 24-27 | 1416 Views 957 Downloads Subject: Astrology | Country: India | Astrology | India |
6 | Isolation and characterization of CBB-G250 dye degrading bacteria from textile dye effluents Shruti B Sakpal and Kishori S Tarfe Pages: 28-32 | 933 Views 216 Downloads Subject: Bio-Technology | Country: India | Bio-Technology | India |
7 | Empowerment of women through self help group: A case study of Bihar Arun Kumar Singh Pages: 33-36 | 1085 Views 616 Downloads Subject: Commerce & Business Administration | Country: India | Commerce & Business Administration | India |
8 | Prevalence core muscle weakness in 18-25 years old females Dr. Parul Rakholiya, Dr. Ishna Mistry, Dr. Rushali Patel, Dr. Princy Tank and Dr. Drashti Sonpal Pages: 37-40 | 806 Views 160 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
9 | Determinants of physical activity participation among university sport science students Sheleme Gofe Keneni and Gerald Santhosh DSouza Pages: 41-49 | 1106 Views 442 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
10 | A review on marketed hair products Sonal Navinkumar Tated, Ujwala Mahajan, Amol Walokar and Roshan Khetade Pages: 50-57 | 933 Views 458 Downloads Subject: Pharmacy | Country: India | Pharmacy | India |
11 | विकलांगता की परिभाषा और वर्गीकरण: आधुनिक सन्दर्भ Dr. Pintu Kumar and Moni Pages: 58-61 | 2340 Views 358 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |