ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Company of kinsmen enterprise and community in South Asian History (1700-1940) By Tirthanthankar Roy, Oxford University press, 2010, pages. 252. Rs 695 Vineet Keshwa Pages: 711-712 | 274 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
2 | Issues and concerns about customer satisfaction through surveys Vikrant Pages: 713-716 | 1337 Views 117 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
3 | Yoga: Soul with the universal consciousness Lakhmi Chand Pages: 717-719 | 1354 Views 123 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
4 | Study of physical fitness components between urban and physical education students Ravinder Kumar Pages: 720-721 | 1317 Views 138 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
5 | Impact of media and social media on sports Dr. Suman Pages: 722-724 | 1406 Views 125 Downloads Subject: Mass Media | Country: India | Mass Media | India |
6 | वर्तमान वैश्विक परिदृश्य में हिन्दी की दशा डॉ० दर्शन पाण्डेय Pages: 725-727 | 1404 Views 1253 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
7 | A study of socio-economic status of senior citizen of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state Dr. Vinod Kumar Pages: 728-729 | 1390 Views 150 Downloads Subject: Social | Country: India | Social | India |
8 | Comparison of knowledge of computer application in physical education students Mukesh Kumar Pages: 730-732 | 1445 Views 119 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
9 | Effect of accounting information for managing judgment making Rajni Kundu Pages: 733-736 | 1249 Views 111 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
10 | Threat in banking region Manu Nandal Pages: 737-739 | 1141 Views 124 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
11 | Serum cystatin C: A prognostic marker in lupus nephritis Jyoti Ranjan Parida, Anindya Brahma, Subhashree Ray, Jatindra Nath Mohanty and Pradeepta Sekar Patro Pages: 740-743 | 874 Views 122 Downloads Subject: Biochemistry | Country: India | Biochemistry | India |
12 | मैथिली एवं भोजपुरी लोकगीतों में अभिव्यक्त सामाजिक समस्याएँ सीमा कुमारी झा Pages: 744-745 | 272 Views 148 Downloads Subject: Literature | Country: India | Literature | India |
13 | संस्कृत साहित्य की सर्वाङ्गीण प्रगति का महत्त्व विशाल कुमार झा Pages: 746-749 | 263 Views 131 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
14 | भटि्टकाव्याकारी भटि्ट बैकुण्ठबिहारी Pages: 750-753 | 308 Views 185 Downloads Subject: | Country: India | India | |
15 | भारत में मानवाधिकार, संवैधानिक प्रावधान और कानूनः राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग के नियम डाॅ0 समीर कुमार Pages: 754-756 | 881 Views 137 Downloads Subject: Sociology | Country: India | Sociology | India |
16 | साम्प्रदायिकता का भारतीय समाज एवं संस्कृति पर प्रभाव ज्योति कुमारी Pages: 757-761 | 903 Views 468 Downloads Subject: Sociology | Country: India | Sociology | India |
17 | An analysis of microfinance system in India Shelly Shrivastava Pages: 762-767 | 538 Views 119 Downloads Subject: economic | Country: India | economic | India |
18 | An analytical study of weak form efficiency on individual stocks Dr. Neelam Gupta Pages: 768-771 | 437 Views 94 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
19 | SHGs and microfinance in India: A theoretical study Geetha JR Pages: 772-778 | 117 Views 56 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |