ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Impact of quality of life in acute stroke using national institute of stroke scale Netra Nhavkar and Swati Avinash Bhise Pages: 283-287 | 972 Views 120 Downloads Subject: Neuroscience | Country: India | Neuroscience | India |
2 | An exploratory study on conversational skills of males with their spouses: A regional comparative perspective Namita Tayal and Virendra Pratap Yadav Pages: 288-292 | 955 Views 127 Downloads Subject: Social Science | Country: India | Social Science | India |
3 | Effect of exchange rate on inflation rate in Nigeria during the period of (1986-2018) Ozor Stella Nkiru Pages: 293-300 | 965 Views 178 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: Nigeria | Economics | Nigeria |
4 | دیدگاه اجتماعی بیدل عادله حمیدی آذین Pages: 301-308 | 337 Views 200 Downloads Subject: Language Literature | Country: Afghanistan | Language Literature | Afghanistan |
5 | برخی از خصوصیات در باره تحول زبان Maryam Sahebi Pages: 309-311 | 241 Views 122 Downloads Subject: Language Literature | Country: Afghanistan | Language Literature | Afghanistan |
6 | Socio-economic survey of the respondents and their job satisfaction in Rajasthan University, Jaipur Dr. Gurudatt Kakkar, Priya Shukla, Shalabh Shukla, K Rathna and AC Tripathi Pages: 312-317 | 942 Views 157 Downloads Subject: Commerce and Management | Country: India | Commerce and Management | India |
7 | Indigenous languages in Bangladesh: A sociolinguistic study Abdul Awal Pages: 318-325 | 1502 Views 533 Downloads Subject: Language | Country: Bangladesh | Language | Bangladesh |
8 | Spectral domain optical coherence tomographic in vogt-koyanagi-harada syndrome Yoshita Bhawsinka, Arif Mohammad Rohan and Manmath Kumar Das Pages: 326-328 | 966 Views 131 Downloads Subject: Ophthalmology | Country: India | Ophthalmology | India |
9 | Adhesive capsulitis and current update Dr. Khalid Eqbal, Dr. Jawed Eqbal and Dr. Tabassum Jahan Pages: 329-335 | 981 Views 126 Downloads Subject: Medical | Country: India | Medical | India |
10 | Effect of specific yogic exercises Vikas Pages: 336-338 | 899 Views 120 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
11 | Drug abuse and its underlying causes: A case study of farmers in Bathinda district Dr. Shamshir Singh Dhillon, Gurpreet Singh and Dr. Ranjit Kaur Pages: 339-344 | 849 Views 111 Downloads Subject: Medicine | Country: India | Medicine | India |
12 | Socio-economic study of tribal residing in Kota block of Bilaspur district, Chhattisgarh, India Durgesh Dixena and DK Patel Pages: 345-349 | 1063 Views 242 Downloads Subject: | Country: India | India | |
13 | laLÑrlkfgR;s of.kZrlaLdkjk.kkek/kqfud;qxs oSKkfudrk MkW- v'kksd dqekj Pages: 350-351 | 765 Views 127 Downloads Subject: | Country: India | India | |
14 | शास्त्रो लोके च सीतायाश्चरितं महत् डाॅ. पवन कुमार Pages: 352-355 | 373 Views 164 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
15 | A woman could influence her unborn baby in terms of age, parity and Rh factor: A myth or reality Nisha Kumari Pages: 356-358 | 678 Views 99 Downloads Subject: Home Science | Country: India | Home Science | India |
16 | आधे – अधूरे: आधुनिक – युगीन सांस्कृतिक – पारिवारिक विघटन का जीवन्त दस्तावेज! राजीव कुमार प्रसाद Pages: 359-362 | 6024 Views 4631 Downloads Subject: Political Science | Country: India | Political Science | India |
17 | नरेश मेहता के काव्य में राजनीतिक मूल्य डा0 विद्या शशिशेखर शिंदे Pages: 363-365 | 731 Views 126 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
18 | Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) antioxygenic activity in various in-vitro models and bioactive compounds used in nutraceutical formulations Sehreen Nazir and Dr. Yasir Ali Arfat Pages: 366-373 | 484 Views 101 Downloads Subject: Food Science and Technology | Country: India | Food Science and Technology | India |
19 | Effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction program: An experimental study Shailza Sharma and Dr. Anshu Sareen Pages: 374-376 | 602 Views 140 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
20 | हिन्दी लोक-गीत डाॅ0 शशिकिरण सिंह Pages: 377-378 | 605 Views 499 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
21 | Causes of the rise in teenage suicides and their prevention and treatment Dr. Jyotika Rathore Pages: 379-382 | 496 Views 111 Downloads Subject: Psychology | Country: India | Psychology | India |
22 | बाबू गुलाबराय के साहित्य में युगबोध डाॅ. रामकृष्ण Pages: 383-384 | 506 Views 366 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
23 | Women in political participation and her challenges: A sociological Study BC Mylarappa Pages: 385-387 | 472 Views 106 Downloads Subject: Sociology | Country: India | Sociology | India |
24 | Enhancing poultry performance in challenging winter conditions: A field-level evaluation of technological intervention through vitamin C and Nano zinc enriched feed Showkeen Muzamil Bashir, Showkat Ul Nabi, Ishraq Hussain, Abdul Majeed Ganie and Azmat Alam Khan Pages: 388-390 | 272 Views 97 Downloads Subject: Veterinary Science | Country: India | Veterinary Science | India |