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International Journal of Applied Research
  • Multidisciplinary Journal
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  • Peer Reviewed Journal

ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 9, Issue 5, Part E (2023)

S. No. Title and Authors Name Subject Country
रीवा जिले के शिक्षक शिक्षा महाविद्यालयों में शिक्षकों के नवाचार हेतु योजनाओं का क्रियान्वयन का समीक्षात्मक का अध्ययन
कृष्ण कुमार सिंह एवं डाॅं. रंजना तिवारी
Pages: 303-306  |  319 Views  99 Downloads
Subject: Life Long Learning  |  Country: India
Life Long LearningIndia
माध्यमिक शिक्षा स्तर पर अध्ययनरत छात्र व छात्राओं के शैक्षिक अभिरुचि का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
हरि प्रसाद एवं डाॅं. स्वर्णलता त्रिपाठी
Pages: 307-310  |  1814 Views  1435 Downloads
Subject: Life Long Learning  |  Country: India
Life Long LearningIndia
French media: A critical review of its evolution and current landscape
Sk Jiaul Haque and Satyabrata Das
Pages: 311-314  |  717 Views  482 Downloads
Subject: French  |  Country: India
Moderate level of physical exercises enhance emotional intelligence: A study on B.Ed. Students
Dr. Vinodkumar K
Pages: 315-317  |  309 Views  102 Downloads
Subject: Education  |  Country: India
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding management and prevention of complication of bronchial asthma among mothers of under-five asthmatic children in selected hospitals at Bangalore, Karnataka
Arya SS
Pages: 318-320  |  376 Views  171 Downloads
Subject: Paediatric Nursing  |  Country: India
Paediatric NursingIndia
A true experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of curry leaves Powder on level of blood glucose among clients with type II diabetes mellitus at selected community area, in Pudukkottai
M Ranjani
Pages: 321-323  |  338 Views  110 Downloads
Subject: Community Health Nursing  |  Country: India
Community Health NursingIndia
Foraging behaviors of wildlife in Muniya Conservation Reserve) MCR), Nagpur, Maharashtra State: A checklist approach of wild palatable grasses
NG Chandewar and Rupali Chandewar
Pages: 324-332  |  448 Views  246 Downloads
Subject: Forestry  |  Country: India
Water, the global common: A tragedy that must be averted
Dr. Sharmita Nandi
Pages: 333-337  |  309 Views  91 Downloads
Subject: Economics  |  Country: India
Postcolonial literary theory: A critical study
Urmila Sahoo
Pages: 338-340  |  306 Views  93 Downloads
Subject: English  |  Country: India
A comparative study of anthropometric characteristics between the college level male cricket and volleyball players of Chhattisgarh
Ratnesh Singh, Laljee Yadav and Virendra Kumar Patel
Pages: 341-343  |  384 Views  115 Downloads
Subject: Physical Education  |  Country: India
Physical EducationIndia
नीतिपरक संस्कृत-साहित्य को भर्तृहरि का योगदान
डॉ. विद्याधर सिंह
Pages: 344-348  |  306 Views  107 Downloads
Subject: संस्कृत विभाà&curre  |  Country: India
संस्कृत विभाà&curreIndia
Paradigms of rural development & North East (NE)
Dr. Lucy Jajo Shimray
Pages: 349-350  |  284 Views  97 Downloads
Subject: economic  |  Country: India
Guru Nanak Rachit: Barahmah Tukhari
Dr. Jatinder Kaur
Pages: 351-355  |  176 Views  134 Downloads
Subject: Punjabi  |  Country: India
Investigating the relationship between weight, speed, achievement motivation and the playing abilities of handball players
Dr. Hoshiyar Singh
Pages: 356-360  |  127 Views  45 Downloads
Subject: Physical Education  |  Country: India
Physical EducationIndia
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