ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Assess the prevalence of urinary tract infection among patients admitted in tertiary care hospital at Nellore N Subhashini, Julit Joby, A Latha and Dr. Arumugam Indira Pages: 865-866 | 1390 Views 152 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
2 | Assessment of risk of cardiovascular diseases among adult population Annu Verma, Manjari Rana and Uma J Deaver Pages: 867-870 | 1528 Views 230 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
3 | Self help groups (SHGs) as a potential tool for economic empowerment of women in selected districts of Assam: A comparative experience Upen Konch Pages: 871-878 | 1720 Views 506 Downloads Subject: Political Science | Country: India | Political Science | India |
4 | A study of dermatoses in preschool children at a tertiary care hospital in Uttarakhand Dr. Shiv Darshan Singh Rawat Pages: 879-882 | 1565 Views 127 Downloads Subject: Medical Science | Country: India | Medical Science | India |
5 | Basics of Immunohistochemical procedure Dr. Anjali Shujalpurkar and Dr. Ashok Vikey Pages: 883-886 | 1390 Views 164 Downloads Subject: Microbiology | Country: India | Microbiology | India |
6 | Recent reforms in elementary education in north-east region states of India through RTE act—Achievement and unfinished tasks Ruma Dey Pages: 887-892 | 1489 Views 295 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
7 | Evolution of technology acceptance in education Chasul and Virendra Singh Nirban Pages: 893-895 | 1299 Views 143 Downloads Subject: Social Science | Country: India | Social Science | India |
8 | Effect of physiotherapy rehabilitation on Volkmann ischemic contracture- A case study Dr. Ganesh BR and Dr. Pranata Dalal Pages: 896-897 | 1584 Views 466 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
9 | Group action on G-invariant fuzzy sub lattice with thresholds of complemented lattices R Nagarajan, S Saleem Abdullah and K Balamurugan Pages: 898-901 | 1318 Views 147 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
10 | Economic impact of HIV/AIDS on rural farm households’ food security in Ethiopia: The case of Raya Kobo Woreda Dr. G Nagaraja and Kibrom Kahsu Hailu Pages: 902-911 | 1356 Views 170 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
11 | India: spatial patterns of the rural size of household Avinash K Singh and Mukesh Pages: 912-919 | 1323 Views 160 Downloads Subject: Geography | Country: India | Geography | India |
12 | Growth avenues and challenges to redefine and reshape contours of HR Manisha Pages: 920-923 | 523 Views 102 Downloads Subject: Human Resource | Country: India | Human Resource | India |