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International Journal of Applied Research
  • Multidisciplinary Journal
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  • Peer Reviewed Journal

ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 9, Issue 10, Part D (2023)

S. No. Title and Authors Name Subject Country
Role of social media in shaping consumer perception
Dr. Sumedha Kulkarni
Pages: 183-190  |  8376 Views  7086 Downloads
Subject: Social Media  |  Country: India
Social MediaIndia
Spectroscopic and biological studies on OXO-vanadium (IV) complex with dicyandiamide having N-donor sites
Y Shyamkesho Singh and Rani Jha
Pages: 191-197  |  364 Views  133 Downloads
Subject: Chemistry  |  Country: India
Education for sustainable development in contemporary era: A meta-analysis
Manali Nandi and Jenul Avideen
Pages: 198-201  |  329 Views  130 Downloads
Subject: Education  |  Country: India
झाँसी मण्डल में कौशल दक्ष प्रशिक्षणार्थियों का रोजगार सृजन एंव उनकी स्थिति
डाॅ. वर्षा राहुल
Pages: 202-211  |  317 Views  121 Downloads
Subject: अर्थशास्त्र विभाग  |  Country: India
अर्थशास्त्र विभागIndia
Final year nursing student’s opinion towards nursing profession and their career plans in selected colleges of Jammu: Cross-sectional digital survey
Nikita Sharma, Sain Priya and Manisha Thakur
Pages: 212-217  |  483 Views  196 Downloads
Subject: Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing  |  Country: India
Obstetrical & Gynaecological NursingIndia
A comprehensive study on the relationship between ICT Awareness school climate and academic achievement of senior secondary school Students
Rozy Shaista
Pages: 218-220  |  435 Views  173 Downloads
Subject: Education  |  Country: India
Managing the work-family-distance effect of emotional intelligence and transformational leadership on conflict additive moderation
Annu Sharma and Dr. Gourav Gupta
Pages: 221-225  |  301 Views  93 Downloads
Subject: Management  |  Country: India
Impact des fertilisants sur les performances zootechniques de Oreochromis niloticus dans les étangs piscicoles de la sous-préfecture de Balizia Macenta
Daouda Konate, Mama Agnès Tea, Joris Colman and Pévé Sogony Guilavogui
Pages: 226-233  |  653 Views  306 Downloads
Subject: Veterinary  |  Country: Guinea
Barriers in online shopping
Sridevi Mallick, Pritishri Parhi, Manashi Mohanty and Trupti Mohanty
Pages: 234-236  |  366 Views  153 Downloads
Subject: Family Resource Management  |  Country: India
Family Resource ManagementIndia
An analysis of historical perspectives of Hindu temples in Andhra Pradesh
Nallabothula Aswani Kumar
Pages: 237-239  |  440 Views  155 Downloads
Subject: History and Archaeology  |  Country: India
History and ArchaeologyIndia
मणिपुर की सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक विरासत का विश्लेषण
किस्मतुन बेगम, डॉ. शिवम चतुर्वेदी
Pages: 240-242  |  343 Views  95 Downloads
Subject: हिन्दी विभाग  |  Country: India
हिन्दी विभागIndia
Role of Mahatma Gandhi in the Gram Sawraj in India
Pawan Kumar
Pages: 243-246  |  533 Views  308 Downloads
Subject: Public Administration  |  Country: India
Public AdministrationIndia
प्रगतिवादी काव्य और त्रिलोचन की काव्य भाषा
डाॅ॰ बिजेन्द्र विश्‍वकर्मा
Pages: 247-249  |  128 Views  74 Downloads
Subject: Hindi  |  Country: India
Evaluation of antidiabetic activity by using alloxan hydrate induced diabetic’s model
Hawaldar Shafi Ahmed Mehboobsab and Dr. Vivek Gupta
Pages: 250-255  |  221 Views  72 Downloads
Subject: Medical  |  Country: India
COVID-19 and online school education: Subaltern sociological perspectives
Dr. Nagendra MP
Pages: 256-263  |  199 Views  61 Downloads
Subject: Sociology  |  Country: India
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